The most important event of the automotive aftermarket in Romania!

Terms and conditions

1. Definitions of terms. Abbreviations

Throughout this document, the following terms shall have the meanings given aside to them unless the context indicates otherwise.

Site - web site whose address is

Autonet - AUTONET IMPORT S.R.L., a company that is incorporated and operates in accordance with Romanian law, with registered office in Satu Mare municipality, 78 Aurel Vlaicu street, Satu Mare county, Romania, postal code 440122,  registered with the Trade Register under no. J30/494/1996, UIC 8539532.

Site use – connecting to the Site;

User – the person and/or I.P. (Internet Protocol) address using the Site, depending on the context.

SUTC – these Site Use Terms and Conditions (TCUS in Romanian)

2. General rules concerning the Site

2.1. Autonet owns the intellectual property rights to the Site. The content of the Site may contain software and/or applications that Autonet uses under licenses granted to it and that are not passed on to Visitors/Users of the Site, the latter being obliged not to infringe these rights.

2.2. The following are prohibited: reproduction and/or distribution without Autonet's permission of the content of the Site, unauthorized modification of the Site, subjecting the Site to computer attacks, accessing/using the Site in a way that may lead to its malfunction or blocking.

2.3. Violation of the rules of access/use of the Site may be sanctioned by Autonet, including by restricting or blocking the access to the Site. 

2.4. The use of the Site shall be in accordance with the legislation in force and the provisions of the SUTC and in such a way as not to prejudice the proper functioning of the Site.

2.5. The users are required to consult the SUTC and conduct themselves in accordance with the requirements contained in the SUTC. 

2.6. Autonet has the right to modify the content of the Site at any time it deems it appropriate to do so and whenever it deems that its interests require changes to be made. 

3. Limitation of Autonet liability

3.1. Autonet does not guarantee that the Site will operate uninterrupted or that it is free from defects. Autonet shall not be liable for damages caused as a result of the failure of the Site to function, in whole or in part.

3.2. The users are solely responsible for obtaining the equipment necessary to access the Site. The users are responsible for the way in which they configure their equipment and/or IT programmes through which they access/use the Site. The users must use their own virus protection software.

3.3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Autonet's liability for any damages suffered by the Users of the Site is excluded.

4. Cookies

4.1. For more information on the use of cookies please refer to the Cookie Policy published on the Site (Cookie Policy)

5. Privacy Policy

5.1. For more information on Autonet's privacy policy, please refer to the Privacy Policy published on the Site (Privacy Policy)